Delivering modern workplace best practices that better engage employees and improve their interactions with clients.

We are a solutions-neutral Trusted Advisor, helping your company find the right "what's next" people, process and tools solutions.


Contact Us

KANO & Associates
PO Box 419
Sunbury, OH 43074

(614) 430-2876

Why work with us?

Today's companies are gaining massive benefits from leveraging modern workplace strategies. If you're struggling with where to start, here are reasons you should reach out to us.

Why Kano?

  1. We help you uncover the known issues causing poor employee and customer experience

  2. We get the right people in the room – yours and ours – so there’s alignment on what’s next

  3. We multiply your time with adapted solutions that only we have access to

  4. We have a proven process that guides the success of your measurable outcomes

  5. We are structured to put YOUR interests first

Why Now? 

  1. Employee Engagement is at an all-time low

  2. Attracting & Keeping talent is more difficult than ever

  3. Customers have an expectation for their experience with your business  

  4. Disruptive change is accelerating, and companies face more uncertainty than ever

  5. Rapid innovation is a must-have to compete and grow

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