Our Process

We take four steps with the client’s stakeholders in mind using our vast professional business experience, proprietary resources, and intimate knowledge of the ecosystem surrounding each possible solution.  

  1. Assess is our preliminary effort to prepare for the first meeting with stakeholders and set the agenda so all are prepared to pinpoint “What’s Next”. We assess all current aspects of the employee experience and customer experience.

  2. Engage is our focus on a client consensus as to what the vision for collective success looks like across stakeholder groups. We define the business transformation from “Now” to “What’s Next” for improved employee experience and customer experience.

  3. Source is our delivery of solutions that deliver the “what’s next” business transformation to improve employee experience and customer experience. In the past, clients have sourced solutions and been forced to adapt to them. We source solutions that adapt to our client’s definition “what’s next”. We source to make employees and clients ecstatic!

  4. Client Support begins when the client contracts with new solution providers they have chosen, and the projects kick off and continues towards Go Live. Thereafter we help manage support delivery of the solution providers, including quarterly reviews.


“The three most important things you need to measure in business are customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction, and cash flow.”                                                   
- Jack Welch, former CEO General Electric and Manager of the Century by Forbes